Welcome to Terp Topia !
Questions & Answers
1. What are Terpenes ? Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, though many people commonly associate them with cannabis because cannabis plants contain high concentrations of them. These aromatic compounds create the characteristic scent of many plants, such as cannabis, pine, and lavender, as well as fresh orange peel. The fragrance of most plants is due to a combination of terpenes. In nature, these terpenes protect the plants from animal grazing Here's where it gets really cool. Since terpenes are found in every single plant in nature, we are able to extract them from other sources (mangoes, lemongrass, whatever) and blend them together to create brand new, custom, cannabis profiles.
2.Where does the name Terpene come from? During the 19th century, chemical workers working on turpentine let to the name "Terpene". The Hydrocarbons general formula C10h16 found in that complex plant Product. All our terpenes are sourced from naturally derived ingredients such as fruits and herbs.
3. Are Terpenes Legal? Our terpenes contain no CBD, THC or any other illegal substances so yes, they are legal.
4. How long does the effects of Terpenes last ? The effects of terpenes would last about between 4 and 8 hours depending on the products they are used in.
5. What is the difference between terpenes and essential oils? Simply speaking, essential oils are made up of a combination of terpenes. These terpenes give the various oils both their smell and therapeutic properties. Essential oils are renown for their potency. But a pure collection of an individual terpene is even more powerful. Some terpenes are so effective that they can actually cause irritation if used improperly or in an excessive amount. As such, our Terpenes should be used only in a professional and safe manner.
6. How are Terpenes extracted ? All our terpenes are botanically derived, rather than synthesized. In other words, we use plants to make our products, rather than chemically building terpenes in the lab.
Usage& Mixing Instructions:
1. What are terpenes used for? Terpenes have a large variety of uses. They are commonly found in: *food flavorings *perfumes * Topical Creams * Vape Carts *Tinctures And more. Please see our blog for a deeper look.
2. Do terpenes have to be diluted prior to use? Yes. Terpenes are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by experts and officials. However, they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD be mixed before ingestion. Terp Topia is happy to offer assistance and advice through our Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
3.How should terpenes be mixed? Make sure you take a look at the percentage and figure out how much you need. Accuracy is important, the amount you use really depends on the how much final product you want and small discrepancies can drastically alter the flavor. Measure: Use precise instruments like pipettes, graduated cylinders, and burets to ensure the exact correct amount is added. Environment: Avoid contamination by using a sterile atmosphere and clean instruments.
Consumption & Safety
1. Are terpenes safe for human consumption? Anything is dangerous in a large enough quantity, but terpenes are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and common in numerous food products. However, don’t kill the flavor of your mixture by adding too much of something. Depending on what particular characteristics are desired, some terpenes will be used in smaller amounts than others. For best results, start mixture with small percentages and incremental increases based on preference. Like all chemicals, these terpenes should be handled in a professional atmosphere.
2. Are our Vials fine for longterm storage? Our amber glass vials protects the Terpenes form UV range and will be fine for long term storage. Please make sure terpenes are always stored out of direct sunlight in a cool dark place
3.Do terpenes have to be diluted prior to use? Yes. Terpenes are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by experts and officials. However, they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD be mixed before ingestion. Terp Topia is happy to offer assistance and advice through our Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).