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Eugenol Terpene name is derived from Eugenia caryophellata, the former scientific name for cloves. Eugenol makes up over 80% of clove leaf oil and is commonly isolated from cloves themselves. This terpene is best known for its spicy, wood smell that’s a favorite among many when cooking. Eugenol is a monoterpenoid that, when isolated, has a pale yellow to colorless look with a liquid or crystalline consistency.



Eugenol Terpene

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  • Potential Medical Effects:

    • antibacterial
    • antifungal
    • antioxidant
    • antineoplastic activity.
    • Local anesthetic
  • Chemical properties:

    • Color: Colorless to pale yellow
    • Consistency: Liquid or crystalline
    • Odor: Spicy, wood
    • Taste: Spicy, pungent
    • Boiling point: 225ºC
    • Flash point: 124ºC
    • Solubility: In water, 2460 mg/L at 25ºC
    • Formula: C10H12O2
    • Density: 1.0652 g/cm3 at 20ºC
    • Molecular Weight: 164.204 g/mol
  • Manufacturers

    ** If you are a manufacturer and you are needing larger amounts please do feel free to contact us.

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