Humulene is a monocyclic sesquiterpene used for centuries in holistic Eastern medicinal practices. It is named after Humulus lupulus, and it is one of the most commonly occurring terpenes in the cannabis plant.
Humulene, combined with pinene, provides the piney aroma of a summer breeze. The unmistakable hoppy taste that makes beer refreshing is due to the hop plant's Humulene, and it is also the reason for the burning bite of sage, ginger, and ginseng.
Nowadays, Humulene is thought to promote appetite-suppressing effects. Significant focuses of study include; Humulene's potential to promote weight loss, as an anti-inflammatory, to treat allergies, and as a target to reduce tumor growth.
Humulene Terpene
Potential Medical Effects:
Antitumor: A 2003 study published in the journal "Planta Medica" indicated that humulene rich balsam fir oil might promote apoptosis (programmed death) in cancer cells, evidenced by its capacity to generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).
A 2016 study showed it could help kill cancer cells when combined with other cannabinoids and terpenes. (Fidyt, Fiedorowicz, Strządała, & Szumny, 2016)
Pain: In a 2008 study published in "Planta Medica," Humulene exhibits both anti-inflammatory activities and can result in a reduced perception of pain when taken orally, by aerosol or when it is applied topically.
It posses antibacterial properties showing to be active against Staphylococcus aureus (a.k.a. golden staph) when administered in small quantities. S. aureus is a bacterium present in our bodies; however, it can play a role in a host of nasty infections and diseases when exposed. (Bennett, 2020)
Weight loss:
It is considered an appetite suppressant, and it works alongside other chemicals in cannabis to promote weight loss.
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